In the last few days I've been wondering who's running the
White House. If you are old enough to remember when Pres. Jimmy Carter was
attacked for being a micro manager, you may be surprised to find out that Barack
Obama hardly seems to manage at all.
In 2012 the race was between Obama and a spoiled rich kid
who thought 49% of the American people were losers. I voted for Obama, so feel
free to blame me for the situation today.
In the last few days Obama has told us he didn't know
anything about tapping Angela Merkel's phone. It came as a surprise to him, he
said. Wow, that made me feel comfortable.
He also has not claimed responsibility for the horrible Obama
care website. He says "the buck stops here," but then gives a lot of
reasons why he left it up to other people.
The whole NSA thing seems to be a mystery to him. How did we
end up being hated around the world for sticking our nose into everybody's
business without the president knowing?
I still can't figure out why Putin is running our policy on
It isn't that the Republicans aren't a troublesome lot (and
that's putting it nicely), but some of the responsibility for this whole mess
has to fall on the man we elected president. It's too bad nobody's telling him anything,
because then, maybe he could fix things.