Thursday, September 27, 2018

Where Did Lindsay Graham’s conscience Go?

Graham went after the testimony of Mrs Ford, the courageous woman who came forward to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Cavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when she 15 years old. If you recall, John McCain, my hero, used to have Graham as his wingman. After McCain went off to Valhalla, Graham, who was worried he’d have tough opponents in 2020, decided to stick his nose so far up Trump’s ass that he’d be safe.
Now that he’s shown his true colors, I would be surprised if McCain was saving a place in Heaven. McCain was a true hero. Graham is a slimy opportunist.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

America Debuts International Comedian

Donald Trump looked like Donald Duck yesterday as he filled the United Nations with laughter as his boastful comments on having one of the most successful administrations in American history had UN delegates rolling in the aisles. Most of his comments showed him to be narcissistic and tone deaf.
In America so many of us are worried he’s going to destroy America or start a nuclear war that he doesn’t touch our funnybone anymore. As he told Germany they were headed down the tubes, the Germans had a great laugh. All the countries we saved with the Marshall Plan no longer have to feel grateful because the world has moved on. America is no longer the bulwark of democracy. Now we are a world class joke.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Trump or Cosby: Who’s Worse

I have to set everyday and read about the horrible things that have to happen to Good Blacks in this country. Every day I hear more disturbing stories that I thought stopped happening in the 60s.
I was lucky to have great Black friends while I was teaching. Now I live in a white neighborhood near UCLA and because of disability am more isolated. (I know I can’ say Happy Kwanzaa anymore because it just makes Black people look at me funny.) Today, Bill Cosby, a scumbag predator got sentenced to 3-10 years. I listened to Trump’s comments on that bus and it sounded disgusting except to the white evangelicals who Jesus no longer listens to anyway. I’m a Christian who goes to UCC Church where everyone is welcome, so that will allow the evangelicals to write me off. Trump’s comments about women could have been made by Cosby. Unfortunately Trump is white so he will never have to pay. I despise Cosby, but I feel the same way about our President.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Do the Republicans Care about America?

Let’s look at some facts: when Roosevelt was dealing with the Nazis and Japan, everyone assumed one of two isolationists would get the Republican nomination, either Taft or Dewey. Instead after a bunch of failed chances, the nomination went to Wendell Willkie, who luckily was more liberal than Roosevelt and supported the War effort and we found out about the Holocaust where the Nazis killed six million Jews.
After the war Joseph R Mcarthy practically shut the Capital down with made up stories about communists in the State Department without providing a list of any one guilty individual. This Senator is enshrined in the Republican hall of fame for his drunk ramblings and stupid comments.
We had some good presidents (although inept) for a while, until Donald Trump took over the Presidency and everyone but John McCain rolled over and were afraid to criticize him. He’s being investigated for selling America out to the Russians to the cheers of White Pentecostals. So that’s the record folks. One might wonder why they never went the way of the Whigs.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Joy of Being Irish

My father died when I was six and my mother did her best to make sure we had as little to do with my father’s family as possible. My father’s brother was his best friend and he wanted to help bring me up, but I wasn’t allowed to see him. Everything in my mom’s family concerned being Mayflower descendants.
At the same time I would go with friends to the Irish Clubs in Syracuse and I’d love singing about “Molly Malone” and “I’ll take you back Kathleen.” I would have given anything to feel equal to all my Irish friends.
One day I recently swabbed my mouth and sent it in to a DNA testing service. I was on pins and needles waiting for the results. It turns out I was 26 percent Irish. Not only that but my father’s family told me my great grandmother was born in the Emerald Isle. If I wanted I could go and drink some Bushmills and Guinness at the Rose of Killarney or the Syracuse bar on Tipperary Hill where the Green light is on the top of the traffic light. I can also leave this world understanding why those songs bring tears to my eyes.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

What we should expect of America’s legislators

Reading American history is a daunting proposition. You start with the Declaration of Independence written by a slaveholder, Thomas Jefferson. Then you move on to a constitution which never mentions God and in which Negro slaves are counted as a percentage of a person in order to decide how many representatives a state is allowed. It is a wholesale abomination. Next we spend 100 years taking land away from Native Americans and killing as many as possible.
So one day we wake up with Trump as President and almost all the Republicans trying to prove how racist they are. I got a PhD with a concentration in American Studies only to discover we’d made a pig a president who appealed to the  basest feelings of Americans who hated Obama, black people and American immigrants. I should have remembered what I’d read and raised my head out of the sand.There are a lot of people who hate everyone who isn’t white and Christian like they are. I’m a Mayflower descendant ( Elder William Brewster) and a Christian who has looked and not really seen the evil men represented by Trump (whose original name was Drumpf and who refused to rent to Blacks)
It’s now time to see the evil rampant in the Republicans and their leader and attempt to take the country back from those who only know Jesus a a convenient weapon.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Jill Lepore, a great writer,writes a great, one volume American history

Jill Lepore, a Harvard Professor, and New Yorker writer has written a wonderful one volume American history. As a man whose father died when I was six when he caught my polio and died (he had osteomyelitis) an open sore on the leg from those who got it before penicillin came along to close it up) I lived for years on social security. Without it I wouldn’t have survived. Somehow I ended up with a PhD and became a college professor
The sadness I feel in reading this beautiful book is that while 90 percent of my Syracuse students could read it, 90 percent f the students I taught at Cal State would be completely lost in this tome.
Having great writers and professors does little good if an undergraduate degree has become a joke.
The degradation of the college experience hides behind the few outstanding scholars we produce.Students in Shanghai are so far above the level of our students that it’s clear the American century was over even before we made a pig our president. I love this book, it’s too bad I don’t know a lot of Americans smart enough to read it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The liar in chief Trump drags down America’s image into the dirt

The liar in chief Trump drags down America’s image in the world
It will soon be necessary to rebuild our country. It may take ten years to undo everything trump has ruined by being a climate denier. The evil he has done has cast a pall over the presidency. We never thought an evil man would bring us down so far, so fast.