Saturday, February 2, 2019

Brexit and Chinese Opium

Every time I start to feel sorry for the position Great Britain faces with Brexit, I go back to my reading of Chinese History and the Chinese Opium Wars. In Great Britain opium was illegal, with the prospect of death for possession. Despite this the British Navy forced opium on China and engaged in  two wars to force it on the Chinese Government, therefore increasing the number of opium addicts. Any attempts by China to limit access to opium was illegal and could be countered by the British with the use of force. If you look at how the British treated the Irish or the Indians when they enslaved them, you have to think it’s time the British were paid back for their arrogance and brutality. The upper classes never acknowledged citizens of these countries as their equals. Maybe it’s time for the sunset on the British Upper Class which were incompetent in the First World War and allowed so many men to be slaughtered in the trenches. Maybe the Union Jack should be lowered and embalmed.

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