Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Henry Wood: A Great American Hero

Henry Wood is the American hero we've been missing for quite a while. Amid the dystopia trapped, value challenged protagonists we've put up with lately, the hero of the Henry Wood mysteries stands out like a beacon.
The product of the fertile brain of Brian Meeks, a woodworker and Iowa Hawkeyes fan, Henry is a straight ahead dramatic hero. His girlfriend meets a lot of qualifications most guys have written down somewhere and stored in a  dresser door.
I once was a newspaper reporter in New York in the 70s, and you knew when you covered the police beat out of One Police Plaza that there would be four murders a night In New York. You would put all the information into one paragraph. It would only run in the first edition and then vanish forever.
Henry is active in 1955 when William B. Williams was on WNEW, you could eat with the mob at Luna (in Little Italy) and lie on the grass in Central Park with your girlfriend. You can count on Henry to be honorable, intelligent and figure out who is pulling what sleazy deal that day. He's admirable and decent. I look forward to reading more and more about him on my Amazon Kindle.

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