Sunday, November 11, 2018

Bone Spurs Are Worst When It Drizzles

When I tried to get in the Air Force in 1966 I flunked my physical because I had a chronic respiratory illness. Trump got out of serving his country because he had bone spurs (oh no). In actuality Trump sr. gave the podiatrists lower rent for falsifying his son’s medical record.
Today he didn’t show up to celebrate the American role in WWI because he worried there might be sprinkles. I guess bone spurs are worse when it drizzles. However, Macron, Merkel and all the other world leaders showed up at the American Cemetery to honor America’s ability to turn the tide in what was the most stupid war ever fought. While at first Americans had to fight under some British dopes, eventually General Pershng got control of his American troops who performed with great honor and bravery and ended the war. From Sergeant York to many others we had great heroes. Trump clearly didn’t give a crap about them.

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