Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts,
is my new hero. Walter Bagehot, an English political philosopher and the
co-editor of the Economist in the
19th century, believed you could understand much about a nation by the people
it admired, and I want to make sure I'm standing in the right line.
She grew up in a lower middle class family, where things
were tough when her dad lost his job selling carpet at Montgomery Ward. She
married young and was divorced before
she went to college and ended up a law school professor at Harvard.
She had revealing interactions with Larry Summers and Tim
Geithner, who seemingly never met a banker they didn't love. And so she isn't
surprised that in the end Obama gave in to Wall Street and let the bankers walk
away without accepting responsibility for nearly bringing our nation to its
She fought hard for the creation of the Consumer Finance
Protection Bureau, and says things like "America's middle class is under
attack," or "the game is deliberately rigged."
She is part of my generation, except she's a lot smarter
than I am. In short, a great choice for a personal hero.